Friday 15 January 2016

Dammy Krane Injured In Fight With Wizkid and Entourage at Club Quilox

Dammy Krane Injured In Fight With Wizkid and Entourage at Club Quilox

Just days ago, Dammy Krane tweeted some very strong allegations against Wizkidon twitter HERE and HERE  but it seems things deteriorated even further when the pair came face to face at Club Quilox at the early hours of this morning.
A bloodied shirt on Dammy Krane’s shoulder with a cut on his chin sustained during the altercation as seen in the pictures below. An eyewitness of the account reported that Dammy Krane almost used a bottle on Wizkid during the melee(See tweets below).
Several stars were gathered at the club as Super Eagles striker Obafemi Martins threw and exclusive ‘All Black Party’.
Dammy Krane Injured In Fight With Wizkid and Entourage at Club Quilox
A twitter user live at the club at that time tweeted the below.
The pair were said to have made up almost immediately according to another set of tweets by the same twitter user present at the Club at that time.
More Screenshots

 Rd toward the end of the season is over and over again 

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