Tuesday 10 May 2016

Funke Akindele Is Tired Of Jenifa’s Diary Funke Akindele, producer of the series Jenifa’s Diary, says she is tired of writing, playing lead roles and assisting the director in her popular comedy series. She talked about the challenges of being a comedienne and reassures her fans that the TV show would continue as she would keep churning out more versions of the comedy series. “We have actually filmed the fifth season but we are airing the fourth right now and we would soon begin shooting the sixth season. I must confess that I am tired because it is not easy writing, playing the lead character, assisting the director and also supervising the whole project. It is not easy writing a comedy script but each time I want to put it to rest, people tell me that the last season was lovely and they keep asking what would be happening in seasons to come. They still want to see more because everyone loves Jenifa. I believe that Jenifa is a brand that has come to stay because we use her as a vessel to pass messages across to young people. I use the character to highlight some problems the youths face and also proffer solutions to these problems. I don’t see Jenifa’s Dairy coming to an end” She further says: “Being an actor is not easy not to talk of being a comedian. It is really difficult to think of something fresh and new. When I started Jenifa’s Diary, I knew I had to start the story afresh because some people did not see the movie. I was concerned about how I was going to do something totally different from the movie. When it was time to shoot Season 2, I felt I had to move away from what I did in Season 1 and that was the same dilemma I faced in Season 3″, she concluded. Source: Vanguard

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